Thursday, July 14, 2005


if only i could be the one that you realy need

if only i could follow you across the open seas

if only i could hold you in my arms so tight

if only i could share with you the beauty of the treesand share you the gentleness of

the summer breez sit with you and listen to the laughter of a child sit with you in

silence watching creature in the wild listen to the stories you tell ofdaysgone by

be there just to hold you if a memory made you cry sit with you and listen to the

chriping of a bird smiling as you tell me it's the sweetest sound you'veheard so

if you ever find the time reach out and type my name the dreams above i mentioned

will always be the same

if my life was diffrent i know what i would do I 'd stand tall there at your side and

cross those seas with you

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